I've been working hard on getting this site updated with all the stuff I have in my personal archives. My goal is to not have older things I worked on just waste away in silence on a hard drive somewhere, so during breaks from working on Inspired I've done the following updates:
various UI improvements
added a SerenadeMe retrospective with:
a short documentary video
a mega mix of songs we produced for customers
artwork from the site & graphic design
added an Apophenia retrospective with:
mega mix of ~90 songs
video demo of the mobile app I was building for it
the short film & trailer
videos updated:
boyhood video vhs mix
commodore 64 games I wrote growing up
solo music performances
jam videos with eric and john
maxie's first episode of "Old Grace County"
recut of my artist residency in New Orleans
recut of my "Dogs Bark at Strangers" album release concert
recut of some of my Little Prince Cafe performances
video of various mobile apps I worked on
video of various old game projects & tools I worked on
major rework - split into music sections (live performance & studio gear) and travel (cities, countries, events)
release of my poetry chapbook, "blur about the sin"
Coming soon:
a place for Max's artwork and various photos
more videos, mostly travel & music
a draft of the novel I worked on for years entitled "A Bloom on the Fall"
integration/dev blog with fingersonthemoon